Saturday, 8 February 2014

Swinley 8th February 2014

Despite dire weather predictions I decided to risk a trip to Swinley, nothing pre planned this time, so just me.

Light rain on leaving the house turned into an incredible hail storm on the way, with accidents on both sides of the M3.

Poor weather all the way there, but just before reaching the car park it cleared and stayed pretty much dry (from the sky at least), for the whole ride.

No further trail closures, but the rain is taking its toll, with the trails getting wetter and deep ruts and holes forming which can arrest momentum quite violently. At one stage I felt I had entered a strange episode of Splash as having taken of over a small jump I landed in a deep puddle coming to an almost total halt.

The problem was that it was impossible to gauge how deep the water was and how soft the surface below. Areas that we had ridden through with ease before are now much deeper and hitting them at the same speed just isn't sensible.

Some areas are fine though

Hard work, but all very enjoyable.

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