Saturday, 1 February 2014


Not me for once, but quite a few bits of my bike.

I had noticed one pedal was a bit stiff, so I checked this out to find that the bearings were shot. Less than a year old.

Next was the rear wheel and guess what, the hub bearings are shot on that as well, again less than a year old. Obviously the wet weather and gritty riding conditions have taken their tole.

Having swapped the rear wheel for a spare I noticed a grinding noise from the rear brakes. On checking the pads changed only 3 weeks ago, I found one of them down to the metal. These were the organic set.

Check your brake pads folks and replace with sintered if you have organic compound.

I'm hoping the good news will be how quick I am up hills now I'm running on decent bearings.

1 comment:

  1. this is what I was afraid of !
    Can get a bit pricey riding in these conditions.
